An Update No-Site-Visit (NSV) Reserve Study is a professionally prepared update to an existing Reserve Study, available from Reserve Study companies such as Association Reserves, Inc. This service level requires the association to have previously contracted out a Reserve Study at either the Full or Update With-Site-Visit service levels.

In the Reserve Study cost comparison table below, we compare the DIY Reserve Study with the Update No-Site-Visit service level to highlight their unique features. Use this information to determine which Report type is right for your association.

  • Do-It-Yourself Reserve Study Kit
  • You build the Component List. Association Reserves does not verify submitted information.
  • No revisions to the Reserve Study.
  • $349
  • No-Site-Visit Reserve Study
  • Association Reserves’ certified Reserve Specialists update the Component List from a prior report.
  • One free revision to the Reserve Study.
  • $500+*

*Update No-Site-Visit Reserve Study Cost

Update No-Site-Visit Reserve Study cost is determined by association size, property age, the scope of common area assets & the time of year. Request a Proposal today for pricing information specific to your association!

Learn More About Reserve Studies

Association Reserves, Inc. is the nation’s voice for Reserve Funding issues in association-governed communities. is the go-to place for learning about what goes into making a Reserve Study.

The Reserve Study industry is complex & the inter-workings of a report can be confusing to unfamiliar clients.  Association Reserves’ founder, Robert Nordlund, PE, RS, has worked hard over the past several years publishing informative online content with the goal of clearing the water and promoting National Reserve Study Standards.

We are proud of the analysis and information found in our reports, and strive to ensure that our clients are able to easily interpret the results, and budget accordingly.

The site’s Learning Center contains a plethora of valuable information including: